Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Relating to School Impact Fees and Amending Sections 27.08.030 and 27.08.150 of the Kirkland Municipal Code 11/17/2015 O-00004504
Granting XO Communications Services, LLC a Non-Exclusive Franchise for the Transmission of Telecommunications In, Through, Over and Under the Street Rights of Way of the City of Kirkland. 10/06/2015 O-00004492
Relating to Zoning, Planning, and Land Use and Amending the Following Chapters of the Kirkland Zoning Code Relating to Multi-Family Parking Requirements: 30, 52, 53 and Approving a Summary Ordinance for Publication, 09/01/2015 O-00004489
Relating to the Issuance and Sale of a Limited Tax General Obligation Bond of the City in the Principal Amount of Not to Exceed $6,000,000 to Provide Funds for a Portion of the Remodel of City Hall and Pay for Costs of Issuance of the Bond; Authorizing t 09/01/2015 O-00004490
Relating to Departmental Organization; Changing the Name of the Planning and Community Development Department to the Planning and Building Department; Changing the Name of the Fire and Building Department to the Fire Department; Amending Kirkland Municip 09/01/2015 O-00004491
Relating to land Use; Approval of a Preliminary (And Final) PUD and Preliminary Subdivision as Applied for by Steve Anderson for the Plute Group in Department of Planning and Community Development File No. SUB14-01891 and ZON14-0188; and Setting Forth 08/03/2015 O-00004488
Relating to Creation of a Metropolitan Park District with Boundaries Coextensive with the City to be Known as the Kirkland Aquatics and Recreation District; Requesting that a Proposition to Form the Kirkland Aquatics and Recreation District be Submitted 07/21/2015 O-00004484
Approving the Form of an Interlocal Agreement with the Kirkland Aquatics and Recreation District, if the Formation of the District is Approved by the Voters; and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Such Agreement on Behalf of the City; and Providing 07/21/2015 O-00004485
Relating to Zoning, Planning, and Land Use and Amending the Following Chapters of the Kirkland Zoning Code Relating to Multi-Family Parking Requirements: 20, 25, 30, 35, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 105 and Approving a Summary Ordinance for Publication, 07/21/2015 O-00004487
Amending Certain Chapters in Title 21 of the Kirkland Municipal Code Relating to Electrical Permits 07/07/2015 O-00004486
Amending the Biennial Budget for 2015-2016 06/16/2015 O-00004483
Relating to the Designation of Agents by the Mayor and the City Manager to Accept Service of Process 06/02/2015 O-00004481
Relating to Temporary Sidewalk Use Regulations for Park Lane 06/02/2015 O-00004482
Amending the Biennial Budget for 2015-2016 04/07/2015 O-00004480
Relating to the Appeal Process for Utility Tax Audit Assessments and Amending Section 5.08.180 of the Kirkland Municipal Code 03/03/2015 O-00004478
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