Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between the Washington State Patrol and the City of Kirkland for State Fire Service Mobilization Plan Reimbursement 10/20/2015 R-00005158
Approving the City of Kirkland’s Allocation for the North East King County Regional Public Safety Communications Agency (NORCOM) Budget 10/20/2015 R-00005159
Approving the Subdivision and Final Plat of Vintner’s Place Being Department of Planning and Community Development File No. SUB13-01508 and Setting Forth Conditions to which such Subdivision and Final Plat Shall be Subject. 10/20/2015 R-00005161
Relinquishing Any Interest the City May Have in an Unopened Right-of-Way as Described Herein and Requested by Property Owners Kirk Warburton and Janet Moore 10/20/2015 R-00005162
Adopting a Plan for Improving Fire/EMS Services in North Kirkland and for New, Renovated or Enhanced Fire Stations Throughout the City 10/20/2015 R-00005163
Approving the Addition of Section 3.24, “Remote Attendance at Council Meetings,” to the Kirkland City Council Policies and Procedures, and Readopting All of the Council Policies and Procedures. 10/20/2015 R-00005164
Approving Participation by the City in an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement With the Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement on Behalf of the City of Kirkland 10/06/2015 R-00005150
Approving Participation by the City in an Interlocal Agreement With Participating Local Governments Within Water Resource Inventory Area 8 (WRIA 8) for Salmon Recovery Planning and Implementation and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement 10/06/2015 R-00005151
Designating U.S. Bank as the Official Banking Institution for the City of Kirkland for a Four-Year Period Commencing January 1, 2016, and Approving an Agreement With U.S. Bank for the Furnishing of Commercial Banking Ser 10/06/2015 R-00005152
Allocating the City’s Portion of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for 2016 10/06/2015 R-00005153
Relinquishing Any Interest the City May Have, Except for a Utility Easement, in an Unopened Right-Of-Way as Described Herein and Requested by Property Owners Jennifer and Coridon Brewer 10/06/2015 R-00005154
Supporting King County Proposition No. 1, a Regular Property Tax Levy to Fund Prevention and Early Intervention Strategies to Improve the Health and Well-Being of Children, Youth, Families and Communities 10/06/2015 R-00005155
Relinquishing Any Interest, Except for a Utility Easement, the City May Have in an Unopened Right-of-Way as Described Herein and Requested by Property Owner Vladimir Lebedev 09/15/2015 R-00005147
Declaring Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Stalls to be for the Purpose of Charging Electric Vehicles Rather than Parking Spaces and to Allow Any Member of the General Public, Including Downtown Employees and Business Owners, to Charge Electric 09/15/2015 R-00005148
Ratifying an Amendment to the King County Countywide Planning Policies 09/15/2015 R-00005149
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