Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Relating to Comprehensive Planning, Land Use, and Amending the City of Kirkland Compregansive Plan, Ordinance O-3481, as Amended, Adding New Chapter XV.G, NE 85th Street Station Area Subarea Plan, Amending the City Land Use Map, and Approving a Summary.. 06/28/2022 O-00004800
Relating to the NE 85th Street Station Area Plan and Zoning and Land Use, And Amending the Kirkland Zoning Map, Ordinance O-3710, as Amended, to Include Legislative Rezones to COnform with the City of Kirkland Comprehensive Plan... 06/28/2022 O-00004801
Relating to the NE 85th Street Station Area Plan and Zoning and Land Use and Amending the City of Kirkland Zoning Code, Ordinance O-3719... 06/28/2022 O-00004802
Adopting Design Guidelines for the NE 85th St Station Area Plan, Repealing Existing Design Guidelines for the Rose Hill Business District, Amending Design Guidelines for Pedestrian Oriented... 06/28/2022 O-00004803
Amending the Biennial Budget for 2021-2022 06/21/2022 O-00004797
Amending Kirkland Municipal Code Title 2 Related to Its Community Municipal Corporation, Providing for the End of its Term of Existence, and Making Necessary Code Changes Pursuant to House Bill 1769, Laws of 2022 06/21/2022 O-00004798
Relating to the Criminal Code, Firearms and Weapons, Limitations on Open Carry of Firearms and Other Weapons, and Adopting a Reference to RCW 9.31.305 to Add a Misdemeanor Crime to the Criminal Code 06/21/2022 O-00004799
Relating to Surface Water Management and Amending Chapters 15.04 and 15.52 of the Kirkland Municipal Code 06/07/2022 O-00004794
Authorizing and Providing for the Acquisition of Interest in Land for the Purpose of Construction of the Juanita Drive Multi-Modal, Intersection, and Safety Improvements Project Within the City of Kirkland; Providing for Condemnation and Taking of Tem 06/07/2022 O-00004795
Relating to Cross Kirkland Corridor Trail Use and Amending Kirkland Municipal Code Section 19.40.020 05/03/2022 O-00004793
Relating to Zoning, Planning, and Land Use and Amending the Kirkland Zoning Code (Ordinance 3719 as Amended) Including Chapters 5, 25, 30, 35, 50, 56, 115, and 125 and Approving a Summary Ordinance for Publication, File No. CAM22-00046. 04/05/2022 O-00004788
Granting CenturyLink Communications, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, a Non-Exclusive Communications Master Use Permit for the Right, Privilege, and Authority to Make Use of the Permit Area for Wireline Communications Purposes 04/05/2022 O-00004790
Relating to Categorical Exemption Thresholds in Goat Hill and Amending Section 24.02.065 of the Kirkland Municipal Code 04/05/2022 O-00004791
Granting Zayo Group, LLC, A Delaware Limited Liability Company ("Zayo"), as Successor-in-Interest to Abovenet Communications, INC. 03/15/2022 O-00004766
Relating to Zoning, Planning, and Land Use and Amending the Kirkland Zoning Code (ordinance 3719 as amended) Including Chapters 35, 92, 95, 105, 112, 180 and Approving a Summary Ordinance for Publication, File No. CAM20-0064 03/15/2022 O-00004784
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