Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
school heights - SEE O-3887 O-00003885
Relating to procedure for construction or repair of sidewalks O-00003899
Approving Zoning Code Amendments Relating to Rooftop Appurtenances - NOT PASSED O-00003903
amending title 23 of the KMC and revising regulations governing Rooftop Appurtenances NOT PASSED-NUMBER CHANGED TO O-3919. O-00003910
Quadrant Corporation comprehensive plan private amendment request- NOT PASSED O-00003927
Fire extinguishing systems and repealing and reenacting chapter 21/33 of KMC. O-00003953
FAILED. O-00003984
NOT PASSED. O-00003986
Relating to Land Use, Approval of a Master Plan, Preliminary PUD, and Final PUD as Applied for by Lake Washington School District in Department of Planning and Community Development File No. ZON07-00035 and Setting Forth Conditions of Saidf Approval O-00004135
Relating to Comprehensive Planning and Land Use and Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinance 3481 as Amended, to Implement the Lakeview Neighborhood Plan Update; Amend the Comprehensive Land Use Map and Implementation Strategies Chapter; and Approve a O-00004331
Establishing the Amount of Property Taxes to be Levied for the Year 2016, the Second Year of the City of Kirkland’s 2015-2016 Fiscal Biennium and Repealing Ordinance 4500 O-00004507
Emergency Order - Misdemeanor O-00004724
Providing for the Form of the Ballot Proposition and Specifying Certain other Details Concerning Submission to the Qualified Electors of the City at a Special Election to be Held Therein on Nov 3, 2020, of Proposition for the Issuance of its General... O-00004728
Providing for the Form of the Ballot Proposition and Specifying Certain Other Details Concerning Submission to the Qualified Electors of the City at a Special Election to be Held Therein on November 3, 2020, of a Proposition Authorizing the City to... O-00004729
Granting CenturyLink Communications, LLC, A Delaware Limited Liability Company, a Non-Exclusive Communciations Master Use Permit for the Right, Pri... O-00004770
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