Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Relating to Sanitary Sewer System Customer Rates for 2019 and 2020 and Amending Section 15.24.070 of the Kirkland Municipal Code 10/02/2018 O-00004662
Ordinance Amendment of Kirkland Municipal Code Chapter 3.54 to Include Lawful Permanent Residents of the United States as Qualifying Applicants for Civil Service Positions as Required by Law. 09/04/2018 O-00004653
Ordinance Relating to Vapor Products and Public Health and Safety 09/04/2018 O-00004657
Relating to Business Licenses and Regulations and Amending Title 7 of the Kirkland Municipal Code 09/04/2018 O-00004658
Granting Comcast Cable Communications, LLC, Renewal of a Non-exclusive Franchise for Transmission of Cable Television Services In, Through, Over and Under the Street Rights-of-way of the City of Kirkland 08/06/2018 O-00004652
Ordinance Relating to Development Fees Charged by the Kirkland Fire Department 08/06/2018 O-00004654
An Ordinance of the City of Kirkland Relating to the Dedication of City Owned Property Located at 100th Avenue NE and NE 132nd Street for Right of Way Purposes 08/06/2018 O-00004656
Relating to Zoning, Planning, and Land Use and Making Nonsubstantive Changes to the Kirkland Zoning Code (Ordinance 3719 as Amended) Such as to Correct Typographical Errors, Unintentional Mistakes and Changes in Departments 07/03/2018 O-00004650
Relating to Nonsubstantive Corrections to the Kirkland Municipal Code to Correct Typographical Errors and Mistakes, and Add Clarity. 07/03/2018 O-00004651
Relating to Zoning, Planning, and Land Use and Amending Chapter 85 of the Kirkland Zoning Code Regarding Critical Areas: Geologically Hazardous Areas Along with Minor Code Amendments to Kirkland Zoning Code Chapter 5: Definitions to Implement Chapter 85 06/19/2018 O-00004643
AMENDING THE BIENNIAL BUDGET FOR 2017-2018. 06/19/2018 O-00004648
Relating to the Kirkland Municipal Court and Amending Chapter 3.49 of the Kirkland Municipal Code. 06/05/2018 O-00004645
Amending Title 21 of the Kirkland Municipal Code Relating to Building Permit Fees 06/05/2018 O-00004646
Relating to Chapter 28.08 of the Municipal Code: Landmarks and Heritage Commission; Establishing Criteria for Removal of Landmark Designation and Updating References in the Chapter. File No. CAM18-00259. 06/05/2018 O-00004647
Relating to Land Use, Approval of a Preliminary (and Final) PUD as Applied for by Lake Washington School District in the Planning and Building Department File No. ZON17-00198 and Setting Forth Conditions of Said Approval 05/15/2018 O-00004644
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