Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
An Ordinance of the City of Kirkland Relating to Comprehensive Planning, Land Use, Zoning and Design Review, and Amending the Totem Lake Neighborhood Plan, to be Titled the Totem Lake Business Plan, of the Comprehensive Plan, O-3481, as Amended, and 12/08/2015 O-00004495
An Ordinance of the City of Kirkalnd Relating to Zoning Comprehensive Planing, Land Use, and Design Review and Amending Chapters 10 and 142 of the Kirkland Zoning Code Ordinance 3719, as amended; and 12/08/2015 O-00004496
An Ordinance of the City of Kirkalnd Relating to Zoning and Land Use and Amending the City of Kirkland Zoning Map, O-3710 as amended, and City of Kirkland Land USe Map, O-3481, as amended. 12/08/2015 O-00004497
An Ordinance of the City of Kirkalnd for the Citizen Amendment Proposals, Relating to Comprehensive Planning, Land Use and Zoning, and Amending the Comprehensive Plan O-3481, as Amended, the Kirkland Zoning Code, O-3719, as Amended, and O-3710 12/08/2015 O-00004498
An Ordinance of the City of Kirkalnd for the MRM Amendment Request, Relating to Comprehensive Planning, Land Use, and Amending the Comprehensive Plan O-3481, as Amended, The Kirkland Zoning Code, O-3719, as Amended, and O-3710 12/08/2015 O-00004499
An Ordinance of the City of Kirkalnd for the Walen Citizen Amendment Request, Relating to Comprehensive Planning, Land Use, and Amending the Comprehensive Plan O-3481, as Amended, The Kirkland Zoning Code, O-3719, as Amended, and O-3710 12/08/2015 O-00004505
An Ordinance of the City of Kirkalnd for the Nelson/Cruikshank Citizen Amendment Request, Relating to Comprehensive Planning, Land Use, and Amending the Comprehensive Plan O-3481, as Amended, The Kirkland Zoning Code, O-3719, as Amended, and O-3710 12/08/2015 O-00004506
Relating to Transportation Concurrency And Amending Title 25 of the Kirkland Municipal Code, “Concurrency Management.” 12/08/2015 O-00004509
Amending the Biennial Budget for 2015-2016. 12/08/2015 O-00004508
An Ordinance of the City of Kirkland Relating to Comprehensive Planning and Land Use and Amending the Introduction, Vision Statement and Guiding Principles, General and Implementation Strategies Chapters, General Elements and Appendices of the Comp Plan 12/08/2015 O-00004493
An Ordinance of the City of Kirkland Relating to Zoning, Comprehensive Planning and Land Use And Amending the Neighborhood Plan Chapters of the Comprehensive Plan O-3481, as Amended, and Chapter 40 of the Zoning Code, O-3719, as Amended 12/08/2015 O-00004494
Establishing the Amount of Property Taxes to be Levied for the Year 2016, to Pay the Fire District 41 Debt Service Assumed as a Result of Annexation of the North Juanita, Finn Hill, and Kingsgate Neighborhoods on June 1, 2011 11/17/2015 O-00004501
Relating to Transportation Impact Fees and Amending Chapter 27.04 of the Kirkland Municipal Code 11/17/2015 O-00004502
Relating to Park Impact Fees and Amending Chapter 27.06 of the Kirkland Municipal Code. 11/17/2015 O-00004503
Relating to School Impact Fees and Amending Sections 27.08.030 and 27.08.150 of the Kirkland Municipal Code 11/17/2015 O-00004504
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