Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Amending Chapter 3.10 of the Kirkland Municipal Code Relating to City Council Meetings and Study Session Start Times 04/21/2020 O-00004723
An ordinance of the City of Kirkland relating to comprehensive planning and land use and amending the comprehensive plan O-3481, as amended, to update chapter XVI Shoreline area and approving a summary for publication. 04/07/2020 O-00004700
An ordinance of the City of Kirkland relating to zoning, planning and land use and amending the Kirkland Zoning Code (O-3719 as amended) including chapters 5,83,90,141 and 180, and approving a summary ordinance for publication. 04/07/2020 O-00004701
An Ordinance of the City of Kirkland Relating to the Parking, Prohibited Conduct, Trespass Warnings and the Peter Kirk Municipal Garage. 04/07/2020 O-00004718
An Ordinance of the City of Kirkland, Washington, Authorizing the Issuance of Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds in the Aggregate Principal Amount of Not to Exceed $30,250,000 for the Purpose of Refunding Certain Outstanding General Obligat.. 04/07/2020 O-00004719
An Ordinance Relating to Emergency Management and Knowing Violation of the Lawful Order of a Public Officer During an Emergency or Disaster and Declaring an Emergency 03/31/2020 O-00004721
An Ordinance of the City of Kirkland Relating to Authorization and Direction to the Director of Finance and Administration on a Temporary Basis and in the Appropriate Extenuating Circumstances to Temporarily Defer and Suspend the Collection of all Ut... 03/31/2020 O-00004722
Amendments to the Kirkland Zoning Code for Accessory Dwelling Units 03/17/2020 O-00004715
Amendments to the Kirkland Municipal Code for Accessory Dwelling Units 03/17/2020 O-00004716
Amendments to the Kirkland Zoning Code for Cottage, Carriage and Two/Three Unit Homes 03/17/2020 O-00004717
Relating to Comprehensive Planning and Land Use and Amending the Comprehensive Plan Ordinance 3481, as Amended, to Update Chapter XIII Capital Facilities, Chapter XI Transportation, Chapter XV.F Rose Hill Neighborhood, Chapter VI Land Use, and ... 12/10/2019 O-00004708
Establishing the Amount of Property Taxes to be Levied for the Year 2020, the Second Year of the City of Kirkland's 2019-2020 Fiscal Biennium and Repealing Ordinance 4704. 12/10/2019 O-00004709
Amending the Biennial Budget for 2019-2020 12/10/2019 O-00004710
Relating to Planning and Land Use and Amending Title 3 of the Kirkland Municipal Code, Chapter 3.30 Design Review Board, to Amend "Kirkland Parkplace Mixed-Used Development Master Plan and Design Guidelines" Which are Adopted by Reference. 12/10/2019 O-00004711
Relating to Comprehensive PLanning and Land Use and Amending the Kirkland Zoning Code (Title 23 of the Kirkland Municipal Code), to Edit the CBD5A Zoning Text (File No. CAM14-02188). 12/10/2019 O-00004712
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