Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Comprehensive Planning, Land Use and Amending the Comprehensive Plan Ordinance 3481, as Amended, to Update Chapter XIII-Capital Facilities Plan, Chapter VI-Land Use.. 12/14/2021 O-00004774
Establishing the Amount of Property Taxes to be Levied for the Year 2022, the Second Year of the City of Kirkland's 2021-2022 Fiscal Biennium. 12/14/2021 O-00004775
Amending the Biennial Budget for 2021-2022 12/14/2021 O-00004776
Establishing the Amount of Property Taxes to be Levied for the Year 2022, the Second Year of the City of Kirkland's 2021-2022 Fiscal Biennium. 11/16/2021 O-00004772
Related to Vehicles and Traffic and Parking and Amending Kirkland Municipal Code Section 12.45.320 to Prohibit Parking Within any Street Right-of-Way Dedicated for Pedestrian Use by Official Signs or Markings or on a Roadway Shoulder Behind an Extruded 11/16/2021 O-00004773
Relating to School Impact Fees and Amending Section 27.08.150 of the Kirkland Municipal Code 11/03/2021 O-00004771
Granting Olympic Pipe Line Company LLC, A Delaware Limited Liability Company, its Successors and Assigns, a Nonexclusive Franchise to Construct, Operate, Maintain, Remove Replace and Repair... 10/19/2021 O-00004767
Relating to Fee Increases for Transportation Impact Fees and Amending Kirkland Municipal Section 27.04.150 10/05/2021 O-00004768
Relating to Replacing Ordinance O-4477 and Ordinance O-4576, Regarding the City of Kirkland's Regulation on the Provision of Single-Use Carryout Bags by Retail Establishments 09/21/2021 O-00004769
Relating to Noise in Parks and Amending Section 11.80.090 and Section 11.80.100 of the Kirkland Municipal Code 09/07/2021 O-00004765
Amending the Biennial Budget for 2021-2022 08/04/2021 O-00004764
Relating to a Temporary Moratorium on Residential Tenant Evictions and the COVID-19 Pandemic 07/20/2021 O-00004763
Relating to Park Impact Fees 07/06/2021 O-00004761
Relating to Moorage Compliance and Amending Section 14.36.070 of the Kirkland Municipal Code 07/06/2021 O-00004762
Amending the Biennial Budget for 2021-2022 06/15/2021 O-00004760
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