Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Supporting King County Proposition 1 Concerning Replacement of an Expiring Parks Levy 06/18/2019 R-00005375
Adopting the City of Kirkland 2019-2024 Transportation Improvement Program 06/18/2019 R-00005376
Approving the Issuance of a Process IIB Permit as Applied for in the Planning and Building Department File No. ZON18-00783 by the Lake Washington School District Being Within an RSX 7.2 Zone, and Setting Forth Conditions to Which Such Process IIB Permit 06/18/2019 R-00005377
Adopting the 2018 Streets Levy Accountability Report for Proposition 1—Levy for Street Maintenance and Pedestrian Safety 06/04/2019 R-00005372
Adopting the 2018 Park Levy Accountability Report for Proposition 2 – Parks Maintenance, Restoration and Enhancement Levy 06/04/2019 R-00005373
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Tax Title Terms of Sale Agreement with King County, Washington for the Acquisition of Eleven Parcels of Real Property Located in Kirkland, Washington 06/04/2019 R-00005374
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Real Property Purchase and Sale Agreement for Real Property Located at 13118 121st Way NE, Kirkland, Washington 04/16/2019 R-00005371
Approving Amendment One to the Interagency Agreement with The Port of Everett and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Said Amendment on Behalf of The City 04/02/2019 R-00005364
Authorizing an Interlocal Agreement for Cooperative Purchasing and Reciprocal Staff Services 04/02/2019 R-00005365
Authorizing the City Manager or His Designee to Enter into a Contract with Kirkland Urban I Holdings, LLC, Regarding a Potential Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption and Approving the Issuance of a Conditional Certificate of Tax Exemption 04/02/2019 R-00005366
Authorizing the City Manager or His Designee to Enter into a Contract with LMV Kirkland Holdings, LP, Regarding a Potential Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption and Approving the Issuance of a Conditional Certificate of Tax Exemption 04/02/2019 R-00005367
Adopting the 2019-2021 Planning Work Program 04/02/2019 R-00005368
Accepting the Donation of Four New Scoreboards from The Lee Johnson Automotive Family and Kirkland American Little League, in Partnership with Little League International, For Use at Everest Park 04/02/2019 R-00005369
Establishing a Pilot Program in Support of Public Safety Through the Distribution of Public Access Automatic External Defibrillators 04/02/2019 R-00005370
Revising Policy G-10 of the Public Works Department’s Pre-Approved Plans to Allow Permitting for Bike Share Operation Use of Right-of-Way 03/19/2019 R-00005328
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