Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Relating to Emergency Housing Development Impact Fee Exemptions. 04/17/2018 O-00004641
Authorizing and Providing for the Acquisition of Interests in Land for the Purpose of Construction and Operation of a Park Within the City of Kirkland, Providing for the Cost of Property Acquisition, and Authorizing the Initiation of Appropriate Eminent 04/17/2018 O-00004642
Relating to Land Use, Approval of a Preliminary (and Final) PUD as Applied for by Greg Rairdon, RC 124th LLC in the Planning and Building Department File No. ZON16-02288 and Setting Forth Conditions of Said Approval 03/20/2018 O-00004640
Relating to Modifications of Title 21 of the Kirkland Municipal Code Relating to Electrical Installation Requirements. 02/06/2018 O-00004638
Establishing the Amount of Property Taxes to be Levied for the Year 2018, the Second Year of the City of Kirkland’s 2017-2018 Fiscal Biennium and Repealing Ordinance 4620 02/06/2018 O-00004639
Relating to Comprehensive Planning and Land Use and Amending the Comprehensive Plan Ordinance 3481, as Amended, to Include Chapter X.V.P Finn Hill Neighborhood Plan, Amending the Land Use Map, Amending the Kirkland Zoning Code Ordinance 3719, as Amended, 01/16/2018 O-00004636
Relating to Comprehensive Planning, Zoning and Land Use and Amending the Kirkland Zoning Map, Ordinance 3710, as Amended, and the Kirkland Zoning Code, Ordinance 3719 as Amended, Regarding Standards that Apply to Development in 01/16/2018 O-00004637
Granting Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership D/B/A Verizon Wireless, a Delaware Limited Partnership, a Non-Exclusive Communications Master Use Permit for the Right, Privilege, and Authority to Make Use of the Permit Area for Communications Purposes 01/02/2018 O-00004633
Relating to City Council Meetings 01/02/2018 O-00004634
Relating to Sick Leave and Amending Kirkland Municipal Code Section 3.80.100. 01/02/2018 O-00004635
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