Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Approving the 2017 A Regional Coalition for Housing (ARCH) Work Program and Administrative Budget 03/07/2017 R-00005244
Relinquishing any Interest the City May Have, Except for a Utility Easement, in an Unopened Right-of-Way as Described Herein and Requested by Property Owner Johnson Lux Group LLC 03/07/2017 R-00005245
Relating to Planning and Land Use and Creating an Advisory Group of Community Members to Assist in Updating the City’s Housing Strategy Plan 03/07/2017 R-00005246
Authorizing the City Manager to Accept a Donation of Real Property from the Hazen Hills Homeowners Association 03/07/2017 R-00005247
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Real Property Purchase and Sale Agreement for County Owned Property Near Totem Lake 03/07/2017 R-00005248
Approving Participation by the City in an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Said Agreement on Behalf of the City of Kirkland 02/21/2017 R-00005237
Determining the Anticipated Shortfall in Revenues for Providing Municipal Services to the Annexation Area as Required by RCW 82.14.415 02/21/2017 R-00005238
Setting Priority Goals for 2017-2018 and Adopting the 2017-2018 City Work Program 02/21/2017 R-00005239
Declaring Kirkland as a Safe, Inclusive and Welcoming City For All People 02/21/2017 R-00005240
Modifying the Planning Director Decision Approving the Scramlin Gardens North and Scramlin Gardens South Short Plats in the Planning and Building Department File Nos. SUB16-01315 and SUB16-01316 02/07/2017 R-00005234
Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding With Holy Spirit Lutheran Church and Salt House to Work Together With Other Non-Profit Entities to Secure a Site for a Permanent Shelter for Homeless Women and Families in Kirkland 02/07/2017 R-00005235
Naming a City Open Space as Bud Homan Park 02/07/2017 R-00005236
Approving Participation by the City in an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of Tucson and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Said Agreement on Behalf of the City of Kirkland. 01/17/2017 R-00005232
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Real Property Purchase and Sale Agreement for Totem Lake 01/17/2017 R-00005233
Approving a Third Amended and Restated Employment Agreement Between the Kirkland City Council and Kurt Triplett, its City Manager 01/03/2017 R-00005229
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