Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Approving Participation by the City in an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Said Agreement on Behalf of the City of Kirkland. 07/18/2017 R-00005260
Temporarily Increasing the Membership of the Human Services Commission by One Youth Member 06/20/2017 R-00005257
Adopting the City of Kirkland 2017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program. 06/20/2017 R-00005258
Inducting Kathy Connor Smith into the Kirkland Plaza of Champions 06/20/2017 R-00005259
Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Voluntary Long Term Renewable Energy Service Agreement with Puget Sound Energy 06/06/2017 R-00005256
Approving Changes to Downtown Parking 05/16/2017 R-00005255
Ratifying Amendments to the 2012 King County Countywide Planning Policies. 05/02/2017 R-00005253
Relating to the Adoption of an Action Plan for 2017-2019 to Guide City Participation in the Evolution of Totem Lake. 05/02/2017 R-00005254
Pertaining to the Adoption of the 2017 – 2019 Planning Work Program. 04/18/2017 R-00005250
Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between the City Of Kirkland and Northshore Utility District for the Transfer of Service Area, Amendment and Termination of the Wheeling Agreement and Construction of Improvements. 04/18/2017 R-00005251
Approving the Amendments to Sections 8.01 and 8.06 of the Kirkland City Council Policies and Procedures, and Readopting All of the Council Policies and Procedures. 04/18/2017 R-00005252
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Interlocal Agreement Adjusting the Boundary Line Between the Cities of Kirkland and Bellevue. 03/21/2017 R-00005249
Approving Participation by the City in an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of Lynnwood and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Said Agreement on Behalf of the City of Kirkland. 03/07/2017 R-00005241
Sponsoring the Cascade Water Alliance to Join the Association of Washington Cities Employee Benefit Trust 03/07/2017 R-00005242
Authorizing the Duly-Appointed Administering Agency for A Regional Coalition for Housing (ARCH) to Execute All Documents Necessary to Enter Into an Agreement for the Funding of Affordable Housing Projects, as Recommended by the ARCH Executive Board, Util 03/07/2017 R-00005243
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