Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Adopting Updates to the 2021-2026 Six-Year Capital Improvement Program for the City of Kirkland 12/14/2021 R-00005504
Approving an Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with Participating Local Governments Within Water Resource Inventory Area 8... 12/14/2021 R-00005505
Authorizing the City Manager or Designee to Enter Into a Contract with MSPT CI, LLC Regarding a Potential Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption and Approving the Issuance of a Conditional Certificate of Tax Exemption 12/14/2021 R-00005506
Acknowledging the First People of Present-Day Kirkland and Adopting an Official Local Land Acknowledgment for Implementations by the City in Various Plans, Policies, and Programs 12/14/2021 R-00005507
Approving Participation by the City in an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of Vancouver and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Said Agreement on Behalf of the City of Kirkland 12/14/2021 R-00005508
Station Area Plan Approval 12/14/2021 R-00005503
NORCOM 2022 Budget 11/16/2021 R-00005498
Approving a Sewer Facilities Agreement with Greg Lynch and Authorizing the City Manager to Sign Said Agreement on Behalf of the City of Kirkland 11/16/2021 R-00005500
Approving Participation by the City in an Interagency Agreement with the State of Washington Department of Enterprises Services for Energy Program Services and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Said Agreement on Behalf.. 11/16/2021 R-00005501
Amending Resolution 5462 and Amending Priority Goals for 2021-2022 and Amending the 2021-2022 City Work Program 11/16/2021 R-00005502
Approving a City of Kirkland Legislative Agenda to be Addressed to the 2022 Session of the State Legislature 11/03/2021 R-00005499
Approving an Extension of the Eastside Transportation Partnership Agreement Between East King County Communities to Provide an Eastside Forum for Inter-Jurisdictional Cooperation to Implement... 10/19/2021 R-00005496
Adopting the City of Kirkland 2021 Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan 10/19/2021 R-00005497
Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Kirkland and the City of Bellevue Related to a Water Systems Intertie at Points Drive and 96th Avenue NE 10/05/2021 R-00005492
Authorizing the Duly Appointed Administering Agency for Regional Coalition for Housing (ARCH) to Execute All Documents Necessary to Enter into Agreements for the Funding of the Inland Group/Horizon Housing Totem Lake Project, Utilizing Funds from the ... 10/05/2021 R-00005494
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