Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Approval of prelim & final PUD from Dennis Riebe for City Ministries. File No. PD-03-73. 07/06/2004 O-00003936
Regulation of Motorized Foot Scooters and Amending Chapter 12.12. 07/06/2004 O-00003948
Amends KMC 11.60A regarding Fraud and Amending KMC 11.77.010 regarding controlled substances. 07/06/2004 O-00003949
Relating to Planning, Land Use, and shorelines, amending ptns of Kirkland Municipal code. Repeals O-3945. NOT CODIFIED. 07/06/2004 O-00003950
Relating to Zoning, Planning & Land Use, Amend. Ptns Chapter 55 of Title 23 Kirkland Zoning Code add use listing and regs for commercial recreation area & LIT zone. 07/06/2004 O-00003951
Finding the existence of funds in excess of anticipated revenues during the budgetary period 1/1/2004 to 12/31/2004 & authorizing their expenditure. 06/15/2004 O-00003947
Repealing & reenacting KMC Title 21, relating to building & construction, to comply with new state standards, provide other needed amendments & creating a new chap. 74 regarding development fees. 06/01/2004 O-00003946
Relating to the Utility Occupation Tax Code. 05/18/2004 O-00003941
Relating to the 3rd renewal of interim regs of significant trees as adopted by Ord. 3865. 05/18/2004 O-00003942
Relating to zoning & land use & amending the Kirkland Zoning Map, Ord. 3710 to include a historic landmark (HL) overlay zone over a RM 3.6 zone. 05/18/2004 O-00003943
Relating to zoning, planning & land use, amending chaps. Of Title 23 (Kirkland Zoning Code) of KMC: chap. 50,52,95, 105, (File no. ZON04-00004). 05/18/2004 O-00003944
Relating to planning, land use & shorelines, amending chaps of Title 24 (Environmental Procedures) of KMC: chap 24.05 (File no. ZON04-00004). 05/18/2004 O-00003945
Relating to development of multi-family housing; to provide for exemption from ad valorem property taxation for multi-family housing in target areas of the city. 05/04/2004 O-00003937
Relating to zoning, planning & land use & adding chap. 112 (affordable housing incentive-multifamily) & amending chap. 5,90,125 & 180 of Ord. 3719, KMC (Title 23, file no. IV-00-13). 05/04/2004 O-00003938
Relating to fee waivers for permit fees rel. to affordable housing thru chap. 112 of Ord. 3719, Kirkland Zoning Code (Title 23 of KMC), adding sec. 21.08.039 to KMC & amding sec. 5.74.070, 15.12.063, 21.08.035, 21.20.039, 21.24.020 & 21.70.120 of KMC. 05/04/2004 O-00003939
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