Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Amending Chap. 1,5,10,20,25,35,48,53,60,72,92,95,105, 110, 115, 142, and 162 or Ordinance 3719, the Kirkland Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map, file No. IV-02-05. 01/03/2006 O-00004030
Relating to design review guidelines for the Rose Hill business district and amending section 3.30.040 of the Kirkland Municipal Code, file No. IV-02-05. 01/03/2006 O-00004031
Relating to comp. planning, land use and zoning, amending the comp. plan, Ord 3481 as amended and amending the Kirkland Zoning Map, Ord 3710 as amended to implement the Highlands neighborhood Plan update (IV-03-27). 12/13/2005 O-00004024
Levying the taxes for the City of Kirkland, for the year 2006 and repealing Ordinance 4023. 12/13/2005 O-00004025
Amending Sec. 95.35.4.A.3 of Kirkland Zoning Code, to take effect 1/1/06 pursuant to O-4010, and providing for a two-year review of the regulations adopted pursuant to O 4010 and 4011. 12/13/2005 O-00004026
Relating to Comp. Planning and land use and amending the Comp. plan (o-3481 as amended) as required by RCW 36.70A.130 to ensure continued compliance with the Growth Management Act, file No. ZON05-00026. 12/13/2005 O-00004028
Relating to Zoning and land use and amending the Zoning Map (O-3710 as amended) to conform to the Comp. Plan and to ensure continued compliance with the Growth Management Act, File No. ZON05-00026. 12/13/2005 O-00004029
Relating to the first renewal of intermim parking regulations in Central Business District Zones 1, 2, and 8. 11/15/2005 O-00004016
Relating to modifications to Title 21 of the Kirkland Municipal Code regarding building and construction. 11/15/2005 O-00004017
Establishing the salary for the Municipal Court Judge and repealing Ordinance No. 4002. 11/15/2005 O-00004019
Relating to the sixth renewal of interim regulations of significant trees as adopted by Ordinance 3865. 11/15/2005 O-00004020
Amending interim ordinance 4006 relating to uses in a study area within a PR 3.6 zone in the Market Neighborhood under chapter 25 of the Kirkland Zoning Code. 11/15/2005 O-00004021
Establishing a salary commission for the City and adding a new Chapter 3.11 of the Kirkland Municipal Code. 11/15/2005 O-00004022
Levying the taxes for the City of Kirkland, Washington, for the year 2006. 11/15/2005 O-00004023
Amending Park Definitions. 11/05/2005 O-00004018
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