Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Establishing the Amount of Property Taxes to be Levied for the Year 2011, the First Year of the City of Kirkland’s 2011-2012 Fiscal Biennium 12/07/2010 O-00004278
Relating to Amending the Comprehensive Plan Ordinance 3481 as Amended, Amending Ordinance 3710 as Amended, and the Kirkland Zoning Map, as Required by RCW 36.70A.130 to Ensure Continued Compliance with the Growth Management Act and Approving a Summary fo 12/07/2010 O-00004279
Relating to Enacting a MyBuildingPermit.com Surcharge to be Applied to Certain Development Services Fees 11/16/2010 O-00004268
Amending Chapter 21.06 of the Kirkland Municipal Code (KMC) Relating to the Expiration of Building and Land Surface Modification Permits 11/16/2010 O-00004269
Relating to Funds in Title 5 of the Kirkland Municipal Code 11/16/2010 O-00004270
Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Providing Interim Official Controls Regarding Land Use Permit Extensions, File No. MIS09-00022, as Adopted by Ordinance 4219, and Extending Ordinance 4219 through May 16, 2011 11/16/2010 O-00004271
Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds in One or More Series of the City in the Principal Amount of Not to Exceed $36,700,000 to Provide Funds for Capital Projects of the City, and Pay for Costs of Issuance of the Bon 11/16/2010 O-00004272
Establishing the Amount of Property Taxes to be Levied for the Year 2011, the First Year of the City of Kirkland’s 2011- 2012 Fiscal Biennium 11/16/2010 O-00004273
Relating to Land Use, Approval of a Preliminary and Final PUD as Applied for by Todd Kilburn of Kilburn Architects in Department of Planning and Community Development File No. ZON10-00017. 11/01/2010 O-00004267
Relating to Land Use and Planning; and Expressing the City’s Approval of the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan Amendments Made in Ordinances 4170 and 4171 After Consideration of the Planned Action Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement 09/21/2010 O-00004257
Relating to Comprehensive Planning and Land Use and Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinance 3481 as Amended, to Implement Changes to the Introduction, Land Use, Capital Facilities and Transportation Elements 09/21/2010 O-00004258
Relating to Water System Customer Rates for 2011 and Providing for Changes in Said Rates 09/21/2010 O-00004259
Relating to Water System Customer Rates for 2012 and Providing for Changes in Said Rates 09/21/2010 O-00004260
Increasing the Utility Tax on the Water Utility and Amending Kirkland Municipal Code Chapter 5.08 09/21/2010 O-00004261
Relating to 2011 Sewer System Customer Rates and Amending Table 15.24.070 of the Kirkland Municipal Code 09/21/2010 O-00004262
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