Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Determining the Anticipated Shortfall in Revenues for Providing Municipal Services to the Annexation Area as Required by RCW 82.14.415 02/15/2022 R-00005515
Approving Participation by the City in an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Redmond and the Lake Washington School District Related to Enhancing Sustainability in Food Service and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Said Agreement on Behalf of... 02/15/2022 R-00005516
Approving Participation by the City in an Interlocal Agreement with the Cities of Bellevue, Bothell, and Redmond Related to the Promotion of Recycling, Waste Reduction, and Sustainability Efforts and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Said Agreement 02/15/2022 R-00005517
Approving an Eighth Amended and Restated Employment Agreement Between the Kirkland City Council and Kurt Triplett, Its City Manager 02/15/2022 R-00005518
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Two Design-Build Cooperative Agreements with the Washington State Department of Transportation Related to the Improvement of the I-405/NE 85th Street In-Line Bus Rapid Transit Station and Interchange... 02/15/2022 R-00005519
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Design-Build Utility Relocation Agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation Related to the Improvement of the I-405/NE 85th Street In-Line Bus Rapid Transit Station and Interchange 02/15/2022 R-00005520
Related to the Kirkland Transportation Benefit District and the Intention of the City of Kirkland to Assume the Rights, Powers, Functions, and Obligations Thereof and Establishing a Public Hearing Related Thereto 02/01/2022 R-00005511
Approving a Sewer Facilities Agreement Between Jane Hylton and Han Zhao and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Said Agreement on Behalf of the City 02/01/2022 R-00005513
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement Including a Feasibility Contingency Related to Property Located at 10702 NE 68th Street in Kirkland and Known as the Houghton Village 01/18/2022 R-00005512
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement Related to Property Located at 11825 100th Avenue NE in Kirkland and Previously Known as the Village Plaza to the Housing Authority of King County for Affordable... 01/04/2022 R-00005509
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Comprehensive Garbage, Recyclables, and Compostables Collection Services Contract with Waste Management of Washington, INC. 01/04/2022 R-00005510
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