Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Approving the Cross Kirkland Corridor Art Integration Plan. 10/04/2016 R-00005211
Relating to the City’s Public Art Policy Guidelines. 10/04/2016 R-00005212
Allocating the City’s Portion of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for 2017 10/04/2016 R-00005214
Pertaining to the Adoption of the 2016-2017 Transportation Commission Work Plan 09/20/2016 R-00005207
Amending the Timeling of Resolution R-5207 Relating to Planning and Land Use and Accepting the Recommendation of the Kirkland Planning Commission to Defer Action on the Houghton/Everest Neighborhood Center Citizen Amendment Requests Until the Completion 09/20/2016 R-00005208
Declaring the Property at 505 Market Street, Kirkland, Washington to be Surplus to the Needs of the City for Ownership of Real Property and Authorizing the Sale of Said Property. 09/20/2016 R-00005209
Supporting Initiative Measure No. 735, Concerning a Proposed Amendment to the Federal Constitution 09/06/2016 R-00005205
Approving Amendments to Section 3.24 of the Kirkland City Council Policies and Procedures, and Readopting All of the Council Policies and Procedures. 09/06/2016 R-00005206
Adopting the 2014 Streets Levy Accountability Report for Proposition 1 – Streets and Pedestrian Safety Levy 08/16/2016 R-00005202
Adopting the 2015 Park Levy Accountability Report for Proposition 2 – Parks Maintenance, Restoration and Enhancement Levy. 08/16/2016 R-00005203
Relinquishing Any Interest the City May Have, Except for a Utility Easement, in an Unopened Right-Of-Way as Described Herein and Requested by Property Owners Anatolie Gavriliuc and Angela Baltaga. 08/16/2016 R-00005204
Adopting a Revised Policy for Investment of City Funds 07/19/2016 R-00005199
Authorizing and Supporting the City’s Request for Port of Seattle Economic Development Partnership Program Funds 07/19/2016 R-00005200
Approving Amendments to Sections 3.05, 3.09, 3.10, 5.01 and 7.02 of the Kirkland City Council Policies and Procedures, and Readopting All of the Council Policies and Procedures 07/19/2016 R-00005201
Authorizing the City Manager to Procure Solid Waste Hauler Services 06/21/2016 R-00005197
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