Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Approving the Defeasance of All or a Portion of the City’s Outstanding Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 2011 in the Amount of Not to Exceed $1,500,000 and Authorizing the Director of Finance and Administration of the City to Perform the Re 06/16/2015 R-00005128
Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Kirkland and the City of Woodinville for the Provision of Municipal Court Services and Facilities 06/16/2015 R-00005129
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Lakeview Elementary Field Turf Construction Agreement Between SRMKJVD LLC and the City of Kirkland 06/16/2015 R-00005130
Relinquishing Any Interest the City May Have in an Unopened Right-of-Way as Described Herein and Requested By Property Owners Edward and Oraphin Miller 06/16/2015 R-00005131
Authorizing the City Manager to Expend Approximately $48,000 in Park Acquisition Capital Improvement Program Funds for Site Evaluation of King County Parcel Nos. 282605-9085 and 282605-9018 for the Aquatics, Recreation and Community Center (ARC); Authori 06/16/2015 R-00005132
Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between the Cities of Bothell, Edmonds, Kirkland, Lake Forest Park, Lynnwood, Mill Creek, Monroe, Mukilteo and Mountlake Terrace; for the North Sound Metro Special Weapons and Tactics/Crisis Negotiating Team 06/02/2015 R-00005126
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Lakeview Elementary School Restated Amendment to Joint Use Agreement Between Lake Washington School District and the City of Kirkland 06/02/2015 R-00005127
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Deed of Right to Use Land for Public Outdoor Recreational Purposes for Portions of the Railbanked Rail Corridor Commonly Known as the Cross Kirkland Corridor 04/21/2015 R-00005123
Authorizing the City Manager to Take Those Actions Necessary to Provide the City Council with the Option of Placing a Ballot Measure Before Kirkland Voters as Early as November 2015 for the Formation of a Metropolitan Park District / AQUATICS, RECREATION 04/21/2015 R-00005124
Approving the Addition of Section 5.02, “Council Communications with the Public,” to the Kirkland City Council Policies and Procedures, end Readopting All of the Council Policies and Procedures 04/21/2015 R-00005125
Adopting the 2015-2017 Planning Work Program 04/07/2015 R-00005119
Supporting King County Proposition 1, a Property Tax Levy to Fund a New, Upgraded Regional Emergency Radio Network to be Known as the Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network 04/07/2015 R-00005120
Approving an Amended and Restated Employment Agreement Between the Kirkland City Council and Kurt Triplett, Its City Manager 04/07/2015 R-00005121
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Interlocal Agreement Between the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation, the University of Washington, the Port of Seattle, Tacoma MetroParks, the Cities of Bellevue, Edmonds, Kent, Mountlake Terrace, Renton 03/17/2015 R-00005115
Adopting the 2014 City of Kirkland Water System Plan 03/17/2015 R-00005116
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