Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Authorizing the Mayor to Sign the King County-Cities Climate Collaboration (K4C) Joint Letter of Commitment on Behalf of the City of Kirkland. 10/21/2014 R-00005077
Approving a City of Kirkland Legislative Agenda to be Addressed to the 2015 Session of the State Legislature 10/21/2014 R-00005078
Expressing City Council Opposition To Initiative Measure No. 591, Concerning the Rights of Gun Owners. 10/13/2014 R-00005073
Expressing City Council Support for Initiative Measure No. 594, Concerning Background Checks for Firearm Sales and Transfers 10/13/2014 R-00005074
Relinquishing Any Interest the City May Have, Except for a Utility Easement, in an Unopened Right-of-Way as Described Herein and Requested by Property Owners Zoann Brumm and Thomas Rehder 10/07/2014 R-00005070
Allocating the City’s Portion of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for 2015 10/07/2014 R-00005071
Accepting from Kirkland Gateway Project LLC the Donation of the Sculpture Entitled "Patination" by Artist Julie Speidel 10/07/2014 R-00005072
Comprehensive Plan Update – Citizen Amendments Requests in Central Houghton 09/16/2014 R-00005067
Affirming the Hearing Examiner Decision Approving the Meritage Ridge Preliminary Subdivision in Department of Planning and Community Development File No. SUB13-02088 09/16/2014 R-00005068
Approving an Agreement Regarding Payment and Use of SEPA Mitigation Fees and Impact Fees with SRMKII, LLC with Respect to the Phase II Google Campus Expansion Project 09/16/2014 R-00005069
Adopting the Juanita Drive Corridor Study. 08/06/2014 R-00005066
Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Sale of Real Property Known as 11515 NE 118th Street, Kirkland, Washington, and Declaring the Property to be Surplus 07/01/2014 R-00005062
Authorizing the City Manager to Allocate $7,000 from the City Council Special Projects Reserve Fund to Provide Funding to Imagine Housing for Supportive Services at the Velocity Housing Development Project in 2014 07/01/2014 R-00005063
Adopting the 2013 Streets Levy Accountability Report for Proposition 1 – Streets and Pedestrian Safety Levy 07/01/2014 R-00005064
Adopting the 2013 Park Levy Accountability Report for Proposition 2 – Parks Maintenance, Restoration and Enhancement Levy 07/01/2014 R-00005065
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