Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Providing for the Submission to the Qualified Electors of the City of Kirkland at an Election to be Held on November 6, 2012, of a Proposition Authorizing an Increase to the City’s Regular Property Tax Levy and the City’s Property Tax Levy Base of $.204 07/17/2012 O-00004364
Providing for the Submission to the Qualified Electors of the City of Kirkland at an Election to be Held on November 6, 2012, of a Proposition Authorizing an Increase to the City’s Regular Property Tax Levy and the City’s Property Tax Levy Base of $.16 p 07/17/2012 O-00004365
Relating to the Sale and Disposal of Surplus Personal Property 07/03/2012 O-00004363
Relating to Zoning, Planning, and Land Use, Revising the City’s Zoning Regulations in the Totem Lake Neighborhood, Amending Ordinance 3719 as Amended, the Kirkland Zoning Code and Approving a Summary Ordinance for Publication, File No. ZON 00034 06/19/2012 O-00004357
Extending a Moratorium of the Establishment of Medical Marijuana Collective Gardens, Defining “Medical Marijuana Collective Gardens”; Providing for a Public Hearing; Establishing an Effective Date, and Providing that the Moratorium, Unless Extended, Will 06/19/2012 O-00004358
Relating to Approval of a Preliminary and Final PUD, as Applied for by Camwest Development, LLC in Department of Planning and Community Development File No. ZON11-00026 and Setting Forth Conditions of Said Approval. 06/19/2012 O-00004359
Amending the Biennial Budget for 2011-2012 06/19/2012 O-00004360
Relating to SEPA Procedures and Amending Section 24.02.065 of the Kirkland Municipal Code, File No. PLN12-00493. 06/19/2012 O-00004361
Relating to Refuse and Garbage 06/19/2012 O-00004362
Making City Public Disturbance Noise Regulations Applicable to Watercraft in City of Kirkland Waters and Specifying Penalty Amounts for Certain Violations of Kirkland Municipal Code Title 14 06/05/2012 O-00004356
Imposing and Extending a Moratorium Within Neighborhood Business (BN)Zones on the Acceptance of Applications for the Review and/or Issuance of Development Permits for Any New Development, Addition or Alteration as Such Terms are Defin 05/01/2012 O-00004355
Granting Electric Lightwave LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, the Right, Privilege, Authority and Franchise to Construct, and Maintain, Repair, Replace, Operate Upon, Over, Under, Along and Across the Franchise Area for Purposes of its Telecommu 04/17/2012 O-00004352
Relating to Transportation, Park, and School Impact Fees and Extending the Availability of Certain Impact Fee Deferrals in Kirkland Municipal Code Sections 27.04.030(G), 27.06.030(G), and 27.08.030(E) 04/17/2012 O-00004353
Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Providing Interim Official Controls Regarding Land Use Permit Extensions, File No. MIS09-00022, as Adopted by Ordinance 4300, and Extending Ordinance 4300 through Nov 1, 2012. 04/17/2012 O-00004354
Relating to Zoning, Planning and Land Use, Adopting a “Green Code” and Amending Ordinance 3719 as Amended, the Kirkland Zoning Ordinance: Chapter 5 – Definitions, Chapter 18 Single-Family Residential A (RSA) Zones, Chapter 95 – Tree Management and Requir 04/03/2012 O-00004350
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