Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Relating to Amending Ordinance No. 3848 to Redirect Remaining Bond Proceeds to Other Park Improvements 07/01/2008 O-00004137
Amending the Biennial Budget for 2007-2008 06/17/2008 O-00004136
Amending the Biennial Budget for 2007-2008. 03/18/2008 O-00004134
Relating to Kirkland Municipal Code Sec. 21.74.030 and amending Table 2 entitled Miscellaneous Inspections and Other Fees. 02/19/2008 O-00004132
Vacating a portion of a right-of-way based on an application filed by Andrzej Pawluskiewicz, file no. VAC07-00001. 02/19/2008 O-00004133
Relating to animal control and repealing Chapter 8.05 of the Kirkland Municipal Code. 02/05/2008 O-00004130
Relating to solid waste collection rates, amending O-4115 and emending Sec. 16/12/030 of the Kirkland Municipal Code for extra yard debris service. 02/05/2008 O-00004131
Relating to zoning, planning, and land use. Amending portions of Ordinance 3719, the Kirkland Zoning Ordinance. 01/15/2008 O-00004121
Relating to planning and land use and amending portions of the Kirkland Municipal Code. ZON06-00033. 01/15/2008 O-00004122
Relating to multifamily property tax exemption and amending chapter 5.88 of the Kirkland Municipal Code. 01/15/2008 O-00004128
Amending Sec. 1 of O-4127 relating to fees charged under KMC 5.74.070 and reducing the fee for Temporary Use Permits and making two clairifications. 01/15/2008 O-00004129
Relating to sidewalk construction and maintenance and amending portions of Chapter 19.20 of the Kirkland Municipal Code. 01/02/2008 O-00004123
Relating to apreliminary and final land use approval of a planned unit development applied for by Camwest Fifth Avenue LLC. ZON07-00022. 12/11/2007 O-00004118
Approving a development proposal to add an historic landmark overlay zone in a planned area 6B zone applied for by Camest Fifth Avenue LLC. ZON07-00022. 12/11/2007 O-00004119
Relating to zoning, planning and land use and amending O-3719, for Cottage, carriage and two/three-unit homes. ZON07-00005. 12/11/2007 O-00004120
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