Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Establishing the Amount of Property Taxes to be Levied for the Year 2009, the First Year of the City of Kirkland’s 2009-2010 Fiscal Biennium and Repealing Ordinance 4154 12/16/2008 O-00004160
Relating to Business Licenses and Regulations and Amending Chapter 7.02 of the Kirkland Municipal Code 12/16/2008 O-00004161
Increasing the Utility Tax on Certain Utilities to Provide Revenue for City Services; Amending Kirkland Municipal Code Chapter 5.08 and Establishing Effective Dates 12/16/2008 O-00004162
Adopting the Biennial Budget for 2009-2010 12/16/2008 O-00004163
Relating to Purchasing and Adding a New Section 3.85.160 to the Kirkland Municipal Code to Clarify that Solid Waste Collection and Recycling Services are not Subject to the Purchasing Chapter 12/16/2008 O-00004164
Amending Section 3.16.065 of the Kirkland Municipal Code Relating to Authority to Sign Agreements 12/16/2008 O-00004165
Relating to the Compensation for Judge Pro Tem 12/16/2008 O-00004166
Relating to the Salary for the City Manager 12/16/2008 O-00004167
Relating to Comprehensive Planning and Land Use and Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinance 3481 as Amended, Amending the NE 85TH Street Subarea Plan Policy NE-85-4.1B 12/16/2008 O-00004168
Relating to Zoning, Planning, and Land Use and Amending the Use Zone Chart for the Rose Hill Business District (RH) 1B Zone, Section 53.12 of the Kirkland Zoning Code, Ordinance 3719 as Amended, to Add a New Vehicle Service Station Use Listing 12/16/2008 O-00004169
Relating to Comprehensive Planning and Land Use and Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinance 3481 as Amended, to Implement Changes to the Downtown Plan Section of the Moss Bay Neighborhood Plan and the Transportation Element 12/16/2008 O-00004170
Relating to Comprehensive Planning and Land Use and Amending the Kirkland Zoning Code (Title 23 of the Kirkland Municipal Code), and the Kirkland Zoning Map , Ordinance 3710 as Amended, to Implement the New CBD5A Zone 12/16/2008 O-00004171
Relating to Planning and Land Use and Amending Title 3 of the Kirkland Municipal Code, Chapter 3.30 Design Review Board, to Include “Kirkland Parkplace Mixed Use Development Master Plan and Design Guidelines” 12/16/2008 O-00004172
Relating to Comprehensive Planning and Land Use and Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinance 3481 as Amended, to Implement Changes to the Planned Area 5 Section of the Moss Bay Neighborhood Plan, and the Moss Bay Neighborhood Land Use Map 12/16/2008 O-00004173
Relating to Comprehensive Planning and Land Use and Amending the Kirkland Zoning Code (Title 23 of the Kirkland Municipal Code) Chapter 92, Design Regulations, and a Use Zone Chart in Chapter 60 and the Kirkland Zoning Map, Ordinance 3710 as 12/16/2008 O-00004174
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