Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Relating to Zoning, Planning, and Land Use; Adopting Minor Amendments Pursuant to Chapter 161 of the Kirkland Zoning Code (KZC); Amending Portions of the Following Chapters of the KZC, Ordinance 3719 as Amended: Chapter 5 – Definitions; Chapter 20 – RM a 09/06/2011 O-00004320
Amending Title 19.16 of the Kirkland Municipal Code Relating to Vacations of Streets and Access Easements, File No. ZON11-00020 09/06/2011 O-00004321
Relating to the Issuance and Sale of Limited Tax General Obligation and Refunding Bonds of the City in the Principal Amount of Not to Exceed $4,700,000 to Refund Certain Outstanding Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds of the City, and Pay for Costs of I 08/02/2011 O-00004317
Relating to Land Use Approval of a Preliminary and Final PUD as Applied for by the Lake Washington School District in Department of Planning and Community Development File No. ZON11- 00003 and Setting Forth Conditions of Said Approval 08/02/2011 O-00004318
Relating to Penalty for Failure to Respond to Certain Civil Infractions 07/19/2011 O-00004313
Amending the Biennial Budget for 2011-2012 07/19/2011 O-00004314
Amending the Kirkland Municipal Code Chapter 5.18 Relating to Real Estate Tax and Authorizing the Expenditure of Second Quarter Percent Real Estate Excise Tax for the Operations and Maintenance of Existing Capital Projects 07/19/2011 O-00004315
Adopting a Moratorium on the Establishment of Medical Marijuana Collective Gardens Defining "Medical Marijuana Collective Gardens;" Providing for a Public Hearing; Establishing an Effective Date, and Providing That the Moratorium, Unless Extended, Will S 07/19/2011 O-00004316
Relating to Zoning, Planning, and Land Use, Revising the City’s Regulations Regarding Transit-Oriented Development at the South Kirkland Park and Ride, Amending Ordinance 3719 as Amended, the Kirkland Zoning Ordinance and Approving a Summary Ordinance fo 06/21/2011 O-00004310
Relating to Gambling 06/21/2011 O-00004311
Amending Kirkland Municipal Code Chapter 5.88 Regarding the Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption 06/21/2011 O-00004312
Adopting the Department of Ecology Approved Amendments to the Kirkland Shoreline Master Program, Including the Amended Shoreline Environment Designations Map, Comprehensive Plan, Shoreline Regulations, and Restoration Plan, File ZON06-00017 06/07/2011 O-00004302
Adopting Miscellaneous Amendments to Ordinance No. 3719, the Kirkland Zoning Ordinance, and Making the Zoning Ordinance Compatible with the Shoreline Master Program as Amended, File ZON06-00017 06/07/2011 O-00004303
Relating to Zoning, and Land Use and Amending Ordinance No. 3719, as Amended, the Kirkland Zoning Ordinance, to Amend the Allowed Ground Floor Use Provisions in Specified Subareas of Central Business District Zones 1B, 2, 3, and 8; and Approving a Summ 06/07/2011 O-00004306
Relating to Zoning, Planning, and Land Use, Revising the City’s Regulations Regarding Transit-Oriented Development at the South Kirkland Park and Ride, Amending Ordinance 3719 as Amended, the Kirkland Zoning Ordinance and Amending Ordinan 06/07/2011 O-00004307
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