Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Real Property Purchase and Sale Agreement to Acquire the Property Located at 12006 120th Place NE for Public Purposes. 03/06/2018 R-00005305
Approving Participation by the City in an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the Lead Contracting Agencies, as Organized by National Purchasing Partners and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Said Agreement on Behalf of the City of Kir 02/20/2018 R-00005297
Determining the Anticipated Shortfall in Revenues for Providing Municipal Services to the Annexation Area as Required by RCW 82.14.415 02/20/2018 R-00005298
Relinquishing any Interest the City May Have in an Unopened Right-of-Way as Described Herein and Requested by Property Owners Lara Cordy and Noel Burbridge 02/20/2018 R-00005299
Adopting the 2018-2020 Planning Work Program 02/20/2018 R-00005300
Declaring the Property at 6705 and 6711 106th Avenue NE, Kirkland, Washington to be Surplus to the Needs of the City and Authorizing the City Manager to Sign the Attached Housing Cooperation Agreement to Sell That Property and to Also Purchase the Proper 02/06/2018 R-00005293
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Real Property Purchase and Sale Agreement for Acquisition of Property to Expand Juanita Heights Park 02/06/2018 R-00005294
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Real Property Purchase and Sale Agreement for Acquisition of a Portion of the Salt House Church Property to Provide a Site for the Construction of a Shelter for Homeless Women and Families 02/06/2018 R-00005295
Adopting the 6th Street Corridor Study 02/06/2018 R-00005296
Approving a Fourth Amended and Restated Employment Agreement Between the Kirkland City Council and Kurt Triplett, Its City Manager. 01/16/2018 R-00005291
Approving Amended Design Guidelines for Pedestrian Oriented Business Districts and Authorizing the Mayor to Sign. 01/16/2018 R-00005292
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