Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Relating To Land Use and Zoning, Repealing Ordinances O-4439, O-4446, O-4447, O-4453 and O-4462; Permitting State-Licensed Marijuana Production and Processing Facilities in the Totem Lake (TL) 7 and 9A Zones and in Light Industrial (LIT) Zones; Permittin 03/03/2015 O-00004479
Granting Level 3 Communications, LLC a Non-Exclusive Franchise for the Transmission of Telecommunications In, Through, Over and Under the Street Rights of Way of the City of Kirkland. 02/17/2015 O-00004471
Amending Ordinance No. 4175 and Relating to Land Use and Planning; Establishing a Planned Action for the Parkplace Site in the Moss Bay Neighborhood Generally Located East of Peter Kirk Park, South of Central Way/NE 85th Street, West of 6th Street, and N 02/17/2015 O-00004473
Relating to Comprehensive Planning and Land Use and Amending the Kirkland Zoning Code (Title 23 of the Kirkland Municipal Code), to Edit the CBD5A Zoning Text (File No. CAM14-02188) 02/17/2015 O-00004474
Relating to Planning and Land Use and Amending Title 3 of the Kirkland Municipal Code, Chapter 3.30 Design Review Board, to Amend “Kirkland Parkplace Mixed Use Development Master Plan Design Guidelines.” 02/17/2015 O-00004475
Relating to Zoning, Planning, and Land Use; Adopting Minor Amendments Pursuant to Chapter 161 of the Kirkland Zoning Code (KZC); Repealing the Following Chapters of the KZC: 1, 15, 17, 18, 20, 25, 27, 30, 40, 45, 47, 48, 49, and 60; Adding 02/17/2015 O-00004476
Ordinance O-4477, Relating to Regulating Retail Establishments’ Provision of Single-Use Retail Carryout Bags 02/17/2015 O-00004477
Amending Chapter 3.10 of the Kirkland Municipal Code, Entitled “City Council – Meetings,” Repealing Section 3.10.020 and Adding a New Section 3.10.020 to Provide the Time for Holding Study Sessions; Amending Section 3.10.030 to Change “Study Meetings” to 02/03/2015 O-00004472
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