Relating to Zoning, Planning, and Land Use and Adding a New Chapter 118 Hazardous Liquid Pipelines; and Amending Chapter 5 definitions and Chapter 55 Totem Lake Zone TL7 of the Kirkland Zoning Ordinance 3719 as Amended; and Approving a Summary Ordinance
Relating to Zoning, Planning, and Land Use and Adding a New Chapter 118 Hazardous Liquid Pipelines; and Amending Chapter 5 definitions and Chapter 55 Totem Lake Zone TL7 of the Kirkland Zoning Ordinance 3719 as Amended; and Approving a Summary Ordinance
Wednesday, August 1, 2012 at 11:00:48 AM
Wednesday, August 1, 2012 at 11:00:48 AM
O-00004371 (Show all versions )